Work Life Balance

Whilst Conference welcomes UNISON’s work on work life balance/family friendly policies the changing demands of the workplace mean that women in the main, and increasingly men, find it harder to juggle the pressure of work, family, and other caring and outside responsibilities. There are a number of issues which need to be highlighted and addressed: […]

Employment Rights

Conference reaffirms its belief that decent employment and trade union rights for all is one of the foundation stones of a just and civilised society. Conference welcomes the improvements in the law brought about by the Employment Relations Act, such as additional protections to prevent employers from engaging in union-busting activities, and new measures to […]

Anti-Terrorism Act

Conference welcomes the return to the UK of the British citizens who have been held without trial in Guantanamo Bay but believes that the practice of detaining such suspects without trial should never be tolerated. Conference therefore welcomes the growing number of voices calling for this practice to be ended in the UK. Conference especially […]

Developing a UNISON Vision for the NHS

Conference notes that, despite the record levels of investment going into the National Health Service (NHS), many NHS patients and staff are failing to experience the improvements that should be occurring. Too often, there exists a gap between the rhetoric about the positive changes that are supposed to be taking place in the NHS and […]

Rule D.2.5 Young Members Seat

Delete all before “there”

Rule G.2.1.3 The Branch Committee

After “Equality Officer(s)” insert “, Welfare Officer”

Tackling Pay Discrimination for Black and Minority Ethnic Workers

Conference is appalled to note the results of the government’s appointed Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force investigation into pay and employment for black and minority ethnic workers. We note the findings that: 1)there is a substantial pay gap between ethnic minorities and the whole population. Weekly earnings for white workers average £376, compared with £347 […]

Public Services

Conference notes extra public spending announced in 2004 Spending Review, particularly the £40 billion extra investment in the National Health Service (NHS) and believes that this could make a major difference to public services. However it cannot while the government continues a variety of trends and initiatives, marketisation, choice, privatisation, efficiency reviews, PFI and cuts […]

Efficiency Reviews

Conference notes that there are efficiency reviews across the governments of the United Kingdom (UK), driven by the 2004 spending review. In Whitehall departments, this simultaneously expanded public spending but demanded £20 billion of efficiencies in services controlled by Whitehall departments as a result of a report by Sir Peter Gershon. Conference is alarmed that […]

Rule H.5.8 Subscription Appeals Committee

Delete H.5.8

Rule D.2.4 Additional Members’ Seats

Delete all after “date of election” and replace with “.”

Rule Q

RESERVED LOW PAY SEATS Delete “New Earnings Survey” and replace with “Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings”

Rule G.6 Learning Representatives

Add new Rule: “.6 Learning Representatives 6.1 Learning representatives shall be selected for each work group or workplace in accordance with branch arrangements 6.2 The selection of learning representatives shall be reported to the branch for ratification and issuing of credentials 6.3 Learning representatives shall: 6.3.1carry out the function of a learning representative as set […]

Portable Pensions in Public Services

Conference is concerned that workers in contracted out public services sometimes end up moving between a whole series of different pension schemes, as a result of being passed between different employers each time the service is retendered. This can expose workers to difficult decisions about whether to transfer their pension rights, and may result in […]

Women and Work

UNISON recognises the significant inequalities still faced by women at work. Conference condemns the continuing pay inequalities across all sectors and notes that women working full time still earn, on average 18 per cent less than men, and part-time women workers 40 per cent less than men. Conference deplores this continuing pay discrimination which devalues […]