Nurse Training

Conference reaffirms previous UNISON commitment to: ·Ensure that the commissioning of nurse training numbers is based upon proper evaluation of workforce needs and planned for appropriately. ·Not exploit developing country’s labour markets in recruiting nurses to work in the UK. ·Support widening access initiatives towards the opening up of Higher Education to diverse students from […]

Apprenticeships in the Health Service

Conference welcomes the Department of Health’s increasing commitment to Apprenticeships, recognising that these provide a further means of attracting young people into the health workforce as well as providing existing staff in pay bands 1 to 4 with a new high quality opportunity to develop themselves and to progress in their careers. Apprenticeships are an […]

NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework

Conference notes that as an integral part of Agenda for Change, the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) is a crucial tool for supporting the effective delivery of health care services. It is designed to enable staff to develop the necessary skills to carry out their roles with efficiency and flexibility, creating a workforce that […]

Influencing the Procurement and Efficiency Agenda

Over the next five years local commissioners (Primary Care Trusts), will be reviewing most current contracts within the NHS and looking closely at value for money, while the remainder of local NHS providers will be moving forward to NHS Foundation Trust status. Conference re-affirms its opposition to all forms of market-testing, contestability and privatisation in […]

Commissioning and Procurement in the NHS

Conference notes the government’s World Class Commissioning programme which aims to transform the way health and care services are commissioned in England. Conference expresses its alarm that much of the focus of the World Class Commissioning programme is about stimulating the market and finding alternative providers to the NHS We restate our continued opposition to […]

Personalised Health Budgets in the NHS

Conference notes with serious concern the plans in Lord Darzi’s ‘High Quality Care for All’ report to pilot-test personal budgets and direct payments for long-term conditions in the NHS in England with a view to a national roll-out. Whilst conference supports the objective of empowering service users and, as much as possible, putting them in […]


This Conference welcomes the announcement in the Queen’s speech in December that tougher licensing of lap dancing clubs will be included in the Home Office Policing and Crime Reduction Bill. Tougher licensing will allow gender equality to be considered in licensing processes and will protect the rights of women in the industry, by placing clubs […]


As women we need to ensure that young women are aware of the benefits of paying into a pension scheme at the earliest opportunity. In 2007, research by a private bank showed that over half of women aged between 35 and 44 had made no pension provision – apparently believing that they could rely on […]

Top Up Payments

This conference believes the introduction of top up payments for private treatments not available on the NHS will lead to a two-tiered healthcare system which already exists to some extent. This could lead to a situation where those who can afford to pay for the newer, more expensive treatments will get them and the poor […]

‘Special Class’ status in NHS pensions for front line ambulance staff

The NHS currently has two pension schemes operating. The “NHS Pension Scheme” has been offered to all staff who joined the NHS before 31 March 2008. The “New NHS Pension Scheme” has been offered to all staff joining since 1 April 2008. Staff in the original ‘NHS Pension Scheme’ have a one off option of […]

NHS Pension Scheme

The NHS Pension Scheme dates back to 1948. It is a statutory, occupational (connected to NHS employment) scheme. The NHS Pension Scheme is a voluntary scheme in which members can join at any time during their employment within the NHS. The normal retirement age is 60 for both men and women, although there are provisions […]

Organising Members in Mental Health services

Conference recognises that nationally Mental Health services have been underfunded for many years, and still remain a ‘Cinderella’ service in the NHS. One effect of this is that mental health workers are not seen as having a high status within the NHS, and other health workers may have little knowledge or understanding of their position. […]

Pay Determination in the NHS

Conference recognises that the historic decision made at the 2007 Health Conference, to bring all health workers (except doctors) within the remit of the NHS Pay Review Body (NHSPRB), was made after many years of non-clinical staff having their interests put in second place after clinical groups. The Pay Review Body (PRB), which previously covered […]

Travel costs following organisational change

Conference calls on the HSGE to raise the issue of travel costs following organisational change at the NHS Staff Council. We believe that staff forced to relocate as a result of organisational change should 1. Be paid a full realistic cost for the additional travel incurred. 2. Be compensated for any additional costs such as […]

NHS Counter Fraud

Conference notes with concern the number of cases that are being handled by NHS Counter Fraud Service covering England and Wales and other agencies. Conference notes the lack of transparent guidelines on what cases are referred to NHS Counter Fraud Service and what cases are handled locally by employers. Conference also notes with concern the […]