Conference motions
Conference notes that In 1999 the United Nations officially recognised White Ribbon Day on 25th November each year, as International Day Against Violence Towards Women. It is the beginning of 16 days of activism worldwide – days which include World Aids Day (1st December), and Human Rights Day (10th December). In the UK, White Ribbon […]
Conference is concerned at the ever-increasing number of women suffering from breast cancer and the postcode lottery of treatment and survival rates that still operate throughout the United Kingdom and blights women’s lives. This Conference is concerned that women living in rural areas/small towns are only invited for breast cancer screening when the mobile unit […]
The government, in the implementation of the NHS Plan, has highlighted the need for services to be designed with the patient at the heart. We believe that the role of the HCA has changed fundamentally over the last 10 years and even more so over the past 5 years. Yet barriers still remain in their […]
Conference recognises the importance of ensuring that, where health and social care services operating under a partnership arrangement are subject to review and a subsequent procurement process, members and activists working in the Community and Voluntary sector including Housing Associations must be properly consulted and involved for the entirety of the process where the Community […]
During more than thirty years of conflict in Northern Ireland Health Care workers delivered, without prejudice, care to all sections of the Northern Irish Community. Today as in other parts of Britain attacks on the health care team are becoming more frequent and more violent. These attacks against health care workers and in particular ambulance […]
Conference notes the establishment of new Primary Care organisations and the planned future expansion in Primary Care and Community Health facilities including, Primary Care Trusts holding approximately 75% of the NHS budget and taking on the role of directly providing services. Conference therefore agrees that organising in Primary Care Organisations and Community Health is a […]