UNISON Chief Questions Motive of New BMA President

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis, has questioned the motives of the new President of the British Medical Association, Sir Anthony Grabham, in calling for alternative methods of funding the National Health Service.

UNISON Slams Plans For PFI Schemes in NHS


UNISON Condemns Unfair and Confusing Personal Care Arrangements in UK


UNISON members at Westminster strike over pensions

On the day of the Conservative Party

UNISON Chief Welcomes Legal Code for Private Contracting. Fair wages clause should be in all contracts

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis has welcomed proposals from the House of Commons public administration select committee to write a

Milburn Announcement on Overseas Health Firms

UNISON National Secretary Karen Jennings, said:

Rail Disaster Victim Inspires Good Citizens in UNISON

PUBLIC service union UNISON is keeping alive the memory of Paddington rail disaster victim Bob Cotton with an award for members who have made outstanding contributions to their communities.

RCN and Agenda For Change

Following news that the Royal College of Nursing is threatening to suspend their involvement in the Agenda for Change talks, Paul Marks, National Secretary for UNISON, the UK

UNISON Calls For Inquiry Into Conflict of Interest by the “Big Five” Over PFI and PPPs

In the wake of the downfall of accountants Arthur Andersen, UNISON, the UK

UNISON Calls For “Clamp Down on Violence” Against Traffic Wardens and Parking Attendants

Calls From Pensioners Flood UNISON Offices

Calls from pensioners across the UK have been flooding in to UNISON, the UK

Community Support Officers Fit the Bill

Consultation and local accountability are the key to the successful introduction of Community Support Officers (CSO) said UNISON, the UK

UNISON Calls on Government to Address Dramatic Pay Inequalities for Teaching Assistants


Hospital Attack on Grandmother – UNISON Reaction


Consultant’s Contracts – UNISON Reaction