Dave Prentis’ speech to Birmingham rally

Millions of ordinary working people make history today

Nottingham: Workers march for pensions justice

Workers unite to march for pensions justice in Nottingham

15:40, Brighton: Rally takes its place in history

UNISON assistant general secretary Karen Jennings tells Brighton: ‘This is history in the making’

UNISON condemns Department of Health strike figures

DOH set to fiddle figures on turnout

10.10, Swindon, Workers stand up for pension fairness

Striking workers stood firm outside the offices of Swindon Borough Council.

09:29, Suffolk: Labour councillors show solidarity with strikers

Two Suffolk Labour councillors send message of support to UNISON members today

08:17 Northeast England: Northeast England brought to a standstill

Public sector workers have brought services to a standstill across the northeast of England.

00:20, Bristol: Vigil starts day of action

Candlelit vigil begins day of action at midnight in Bristol

08:00, Sheffield: Messages from South Yorkshire

Police staff, youth workers and council staff all out

06:49, Sheffield: Pickets out in Yorkshire

Members across Yorkshire are out early

08:35, Bristol, Beeping horns greet picket line

Picket lines began in darkness at Bristol’s Frenchay Hospital, where UNISON members joined forces with Unite and GMB in protest.

09:59, Sheffield: Pensions chill hits NHS workers

Sheffield NHS workers feel the chill of the pensions proposals

08:30, London: Pensions anger at London hospitals

UNISON NHS workers were striking from dawn outside London’s Guy’s and St Thomas’s hospitals

10:35, Cardiff: Rallies at County Hall

‘We are getting wonderful support’

09:20, Swindon, Support even among working staff

As a community psychiatric nurse living in Swindon, Paul Gore proudly states that today he is sstriking for the first time ever’