Artificial Intelligence a gift or a curse for women

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2024 National Women's Conference
12 October 2023

Conference, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we live our lives and inevitably will have significant consequences within our working lives too.

Conference, we recognise the value of AI and as recently highlighted by PWC, AI alone could add an estimated £232 billion to the UK economy by 2030. The introduction of

new technology in the workplace can help to improve work for staff and make it fairer, safer, faster, less monotonous, more productive. However, it is essential to recognise that new technology in the workplace will also put jobs at risk.

Concerningly, due to the makeup of the workforce, it is likely that women will face a disproportionate AI job automation risk. A recent study by McKinsey found that women are one and half times more likely to be impacted by artificial intelligence job replacement. A United Nations study has also found women are more greatly exposed to potential job losses caused by generative AI, due to their over representation in clerical jobs.

Conference, we know that the introduction of new technology at work is often made without a clear and reasoned justification provided by the employer. Sometimes the justification given is disproportionate to any need. And too often new technology is introduced in the workplace by employers outside of any collective bargaining process.

As a trade union that is made up of 70% women, we must be prepared to respond to these risks appropriately and ensure that in areas where AI technology is adopted, this is not to the detriment of UNISON women members

We ask the National Women’s Committee to:

i)Work with Regional Women’s Groups and service groups to build a body of evidence showing how AI technology is being used in workplaces currently and use the results to create a campaign to highlight the impacts.

ii)Work with the NEC and all appropriate sections of the union and our partners, to update resources and bargaining guides for branches to best equip them for the ever changing environment of AI technology in the workplace.