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2023 Police & Justice Service Group Conference
5 June 2023

Conference notes that section 8 of the Police Staff Handbook “Payments in the event of death or permanent disablement arising from assault” is no longer fit for purpose.

The section has been in place for many years and has not been updated to reflect the consequences of criminality that do not relate to assault. An example of this is where a member may be injured as a consequence of criminal activity where circumstances have resulted in the injury of a member of staff whilst at work.

Conference further notes that the sums of compensation have not increased for some years and are woefully inadequate. The criteria should be wider than just assault and cover no fault disabilities/injuries caused by criminal activity such as road traffic collisions where the driver is intoxicated by drink or drugs.

The list of injuries should be revised to include the effect on cognitive abilities as a result of brain injury.

Conference therefore calls on the SGE to work with the Police Staff Sector Committee of England and Wales to:

1)Review the current wording of section 8 of the Police Staff Council Handbook;

2)Make recommendations for improvement;

3)Submit a claim via the Police Staff Council (PSC) Trade Union Side to the Police Staff Council.