Retired Members’ representation on the National Executive Council

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2022 National Retired Members Conference
29 June 2022

Retired Members’ representation on the National Executive Council

Conference notes that, although retired members account for approximately 10% of

UNISON membership, the only opportunity they have to vote for positions outside of

the Retired Members’ Organisation is in the election of the General Secretary.

Conference notes there is currently no provision in the UNISON Rulebook for retired

members to participate in elections for, or to have representatives on, the union’s

governing body, the National Executive Council (NEC).

Conference also notes that retired members are entitled to attend branch meetings

and vote on issues not relating to the pay and conditions of members in

employment, yet there is no provision for retired members to have their views to be

taken into consideration when the NEC discusses and votes on matters not relating

to terms and conditions of members in employment.

Conference believes that excluding retired members from representation on, or

participating in, elections to the NEC may be contrary to the aims and objectives of

the Union as set out in Rule B, in particular the requirement to “promote safeguard

and improve the interests and status of members and the union as a whole,” (Rule

B.2,1) “to provide and establish a member led union and carry out and fulfil

decisions made by members in a spirit of unity and accountability, (Rule B.2.2)., and

“to promote and safeguard the rights of members to have adequate opportunity to

participate in the initiation and development of policy making…and to encourage the

maximum democratic debate together with right to campaign to change policy…”

(Rule B.2.5.).

Conference believes these aims cannot be fully achieved unless and until the NEC is

representative of the union as a whole and includes representatives of retired


Conference believes the situation can be remedied by a Rule Change enacted at a

National Delegate Conference (NDC), to allow for two representatives, elected by

and from among UNISON retired members, to be members of the NEC with the right

to speak, and to vote on matters not relating to terms and conditions of members in


Conference therefor calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee to:

1)Support any amendment to Rule submitted to NDC 2023 which seeks to allow

two representatives of retired members, elected by and from among retired

members, membership of the NEC with the right to vote on matters not

affecting the terms and conditions of members in employment, and,

2. Campaign for any such amendment to Rule appearing on the agenda for NDC

2023 both within the Retired Members’ Organisation and the wider union.