Public Transpot

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2022 National Retired Members Conference
28 June 2022

Public Transport

Many retired members rely on public transport for their day to day living, such as hospital and doctors appointments, shopping, visiting relatives and friends, attending social groups that may help with isolation and loneliness. However, recently retired members have seen a cut in bus services and less frequent services. This can mean they are early or late for appointments or other activities.

Many members rely on their bus passes and in some areas a bus pass cannot be used before 9.30am, though proof of a hospital appointment could be an exception to this time limit.

As we are in a cost of living crisis that has affected numerous pensioners by the rise in food, energy and fuel; paying for public transport is an additional cost.

Wherever they live, older people should be able to reach key services, friends and family at reasonable cost, in reasonable time and with reasonable ease.

Therefore we would request the National Retired Members Committee to work with other organisations such as Age UK to campaign for improved access to public transport for older people.