Black Members are Vital to Local Government Structures in UNISON.

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2022 Local Government Service Group Conference
14 February 2022

Black members are still under-represented at branch, regional and national level in local government even though they make a significant contribution to the workforce in local government.

The trend that the National Black members are looking to change by working with the LGSGE and supporting initiatives to include Black workers across the service group

Equality of opportunity is the number one priority for Black workers, but what happens to our issue when we are not in the room?

Black workers have an important role to play in challenging racism, injustices and eliminating discrimination, fighting in-work poverty and equal pay. Their experiences and voices should be heard in local government campaigns.

Getting involved within the structures of UNISON local government and becoming active is essential for the development of campaign hat impact on Black workers.

We call on the Local Government Service Group Executive to:

1)Work with the National Black Members Committee to produce guidance and information specifically on how to increase the number of Black members active in local government structures and encourage the implementation of fair representation at branch, regional and service group level

2)Map where the young Black members are so we can direct training and engagement opportunities to that demographic