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2022 National LGBT+ Conference
29 July 2022

Conference notes that a workplace that actively encourages Equality Diversity and Inclusion is more successful, can help to keep employees happy and motivated, prevents serious or legal issues arising, such as bullying, harassment and discrimination and will attract and keep good staff.

Conference also notes that where LGBT+ members and their allies continue to fight against acts of discrimination, bullying and harassment we are seen as problem starters, and trouble makers to those not understanding of our rights and do not share our lived experiences of such prejudice.

Conference identifies that a person who chooses to discriminate against us may be one whose attitude cannot be changed no matter how hard we try but we can make a difference to those who want to do the right thing. Formal procedures such as grievances, and disciplinary meetings can take their toll on wellbeing, both mental and physical health of our members, it takes tremendous amount of courage and trust to even begin such proceedings.

Conference believes early resolution can be effective if done in the right way. For example, being caught speeding and offered a speed awareness course, this action requests further education related to the incident. When taking the example of microaggressions in the form of stereotypes towards someone’s sexual orientation or misgendering, which may not amount to misconduct or gross misconduct, someone can be requested to attend Allyship training or LGBT+ awareness training, with the victim’s wishes at the heart of the decision making process. Education in replacement of formal action gives the perpetrator chance to learn from the victim’s point of view and the training gives essential advice to help someone change their behaviour and reduce reoffending.

Conference calls on the national LGBT+ committee to:

1. Seek to identify examples of schemes that use early intervention, educational and diversionary activities and consider what best practice could look like;

2. Widely share this best practice through all appropriate media channels;

3. Update the UNISON LGBT+ bargaining fact sheets to incorporate such a scheme.