- Conference
- 2021 Virtual Retired Members Conference
- Date
- 29 June 2021
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
It is becoming increasingly apparent that some Unison retired members in Branches and Regions are experiencing difficulties in communicating with colleagues as they are not computer literate or able to afford computers.
Therefore, this Unison National Retired Members Conference instructs the National Retired Members Committee and calls on the National Executive Council to:
1)be aware of this situation when communicating with retired members;
2. Ensure paper communication is continued for those retired members who do not have an email facility or cannot access one;
3. Encourage Branches and Regions to promote technology education and provide computers/printers/paper/cartridges for retired members Officers;
4. To communicate progress on the availability of technology to all retired members on a regular basis.
5. Report back to the 2022 Unison National Retired Members Conference