Vetting Fairness in the Probation Service

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2021 Police and Justice Conference
24 June 2021

Whilst Conference accepts that the re-unification of the majority of probation services as a positive step, this has not been the experience of all members. National Probation Service (NPS) members and now Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC) members transferring to the new probation service are subject to an unaccountable, arbitrary and sometimes draconian vetting process which sits entirely at odds with probation values of reform, rehabilitation and fairness and equality of opportunity. This has led some members to face the real prospect of termination of their employment without any mechanisms for challenge or appeal or any apparent acknowledgement of years of dedicated service. Currently the only means to challenge these decisions is through an employment tribunal. As such conference calls on the Service Group Executive to work with Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service to improve the transparency and accountability of the vetting process with the following proposals:

1)The establishment of a process of advocacy into the vetting panel to allow for a case to be made for the individual (written statements/ character references/ personnel records).

2)Clear consideration given to the time elapsed for any prior convictions/ professional disciplinary and conduct issues with a view taken on positive employment history following this.

3)Clear mechanisms of appeal for any decisions of the vetting panel with full transparency on the rationale given by the panel in its decision.

4)For the presence of a recognised trade union representative on such panels.