Police Staff Long Service Recognition

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2021 Police and Justice Conference
24 June 2021

This motion calls upon the Service Group Executive to discuss with the appropriate relevant bodies a National Police Staff Long Service Award.

Whilst we acknowledge that most, if not all forces will have their own long service award arrangements in place, a nationally recognised award is something that many police staff would like to see introduced.

Awards need not require the striking of medal. A certificate of thanks would be all that was required and that can be achieved with minimal cost.

The recent announcement with regard to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal, which ignored all police staff apart from Police Community Support Officers with five or more years service, made it clear that the part played by the majority of police staff in service delivery has been and continues to be overlooked at best, and quite possibly disregarded at worse by successive governments.

It is high time that changed, and if we don’t initiate this work, who will?