- Conference
- 2021 National Disabled Members' Conference
- Date
- 8 July 2021
- Decision
- Carried
Conference applauds the National Disabled Members Committee for the work undertaken to date to highlight the effects of austerity measures on disabled lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender plus (LGBT+) workers, the services we provide and the knock-on effects of the reduction in those services.
Conference further notes that a range of governmental bodies, statutory services and civil society organisations have highlighted evidence that LGBT+ people experience increased levels of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress leading to suicidal ideation and action as a result of the negative impact of their experiences of discrimination and marginalisation both in the workplace and in wider society.
COVID has had a particular impact and disabled LGBT+ people in particular are identified as an “at risk” group. LGBT Foundation 2020 Hidden Figures report and Stonewall LGBT in Britain 2018 found:
• 48% of disabled LGBT people identified the need for mental health support in May 2020
• 69% of disabled LGBT people said that they would rather receive support during this time from an LGBT organisation.
• Three in five LGBT disabled people (59%) have felt life was not worth living at some point in the last year, compared to three in ten LGBT (30%) people who aren’t disabled
Additional available data on suicide and self-harm among disabled LGBT+ is stark and highlights the need for local and national suicide prevention strategies that consider LGBT+ issues in their approaches. NHS Trusts are starting to realise the importance of suicide awareness and are beginning to make training mandatory for staff so they can spot the signs that someone may be heading towards crisis point.
With a decade of government austerity leading to cuts to health, welfare and support services, our disabled LGBT+ members are more regularly experiencing mental health problems or finding it difficult to access support, and it is therefore important that reps can signpost members to agencies that can give them the help they need.
A number of charities and organisations such as Chasing the Stigma, PAPYRUS, MIND and The Samaritans are doing important work to tackle mental health and suicide stigma and encourage additional support for those falling under intersectional categories with poor mental health. It is important that the union supports and promotes organisations which are in line with its values.
It is also important that reps use UNISON’s Bargaining on Mental Health Policies guide (which has been updated to acknowledge the impact of COVID) to work with the employer to ensure there is sufficient support for staff experiencing mental health problems. All policies, from sickness absence to reorganisation, should be audited to check where they can offer better support. Mental health problems may well mean that the member is protected as a disabled person under the Equality Act 2010 and there should be clear polices around the need to identify and provide reasonable adjustments for such staff.
Conference therefore calls on the National Committee to work with the National LGBT+ committee to:
1. Continue to publicise UNISON’s Bargaining for Mental Health policies guide
2. Work with There for You to help branches and regions to signpost members towards suitable organisations and charities working in the field of mental health and suicide awareness
3. Work with service groups to promote and advocate training on mental health awareness and the potential risks of suicide both in the workplace and in our union
4. Consider the provision of materials for pride stalls and other equality events with information and signposting to support LGBT+ disabled people within the area of mental health and suicide awareness.