Defend all Pensions

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2020 Higher Education Service Group Conference
26 September 2019

Conference notes the ongoing attack on our defined benefit (DB) pension schemes and believes that as pensions are deferred pay then any cut to our pension schemes is a direct attack on terms and conditions.

Conference notes those branches that have campaigned or are still campaigning to stop any erosion to their pensions which after all is deferred pay.

It is noted that a lot of debate around pensions lately in Higher Education is centred around the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), Teachers Pension Scheme (TPS) and Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) pension schemes but a lot of older universities have their own self-administered trust schemes. Some of them are now closed to new entrants and some are no longer defined benefit.

We need to act to protect all of our members in Higher Education.

Conference believes that access to a decent defined benefit (DB) pension scheme is of the highest priority for our union and that Universities that are removing or amending said schemes are not acting in the best interests of staff or the long term interests of said universities.

Conference therefore calls upon the Service Group Executive to :

Develop a union wide campaign that also takes into account the devolved nations different governance arrangements that seeks to stop any removal of DB pension schemes in favour of poorer Defined Contributions (DC) schemes.

1)Survey all Universities to understand what pension schemes are in place, in particular reference to the self-administered trusts.

2)Develop an organising strategy and guidance that can be sent to branches to help argue and organise against any changes.

3)Work with UNISON Pensions unit to develop factsheets to help our members understand how our pensions work and why it is essential we retain access to decent pension schemes. This should include the need for member involvement with any campaign and can’t be driven by a branch committee alone.

4)Work with UNISON Labour Link to campaign for manifesto commitment from the Labour Party to support Defined Benefit pension schemes in Higher Education.