Challenging Race Discrimination, Inequality and unfair treatment of Black Workers and Workplace Representatives

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2019 National Black Members' Conference
11 September 2018

UNISON’s long-standing campaigns on equality, human rights and anti-racism work make us an attractive and welcoming union for many Black members as well as for migrant workers. As a result we have a large and growing Black and migrant workers membership and strong Self Organised group for Black members.

However, racism remains ever present in our workplaces, and in society. Given our proud history, UNISON is ideally placed to play our part in challenging racism both in society, in our workplaces and within our own movement. We must ensure that UNISON itself challenges all forms of discrimination, and remains a Racism free zone.

All Black Members in UNISON must know that they can rely on all their stewards and branch officers to challenge racist comments and racist banter in the workplace. The union seeks to ensure that discriminatory acts are not committed against any person by the union or by its Lay Officers and Officials. Achieving equality is central to our union’s aims and objectives.

Challenging Race Discrimination and winning equality needs to continue to be at the heart of trade union work; every trade unionist, every UNISON member or activist has a duty to challenge race discrimination wherever they see it.

UNISON has a responsibility to lead the way through our campaigns, bargaining agenda and labour movement. Therefore, Conference calls on the National Black Members Committee:

1)To work with the National Executive Committee (NEC) UNISON, Service Groups and Self Organised Groups with shared Core Values to enforce a zero tolerance approach to racism within the structures of UNISON by ensuring that Regional Black Members Self Organised Group is represented in every Service Group (including the Local Government) particularly devolved nations by reviewing their Constitutions;

2)To work with the Labour Link, and lobby Labour Party as well as the Government and devolved governments to secure statutory time off for Branch Black Member Officers;

3)To work with Regional Committees & Councils, Regional Self Organised Groups and Branches to ensure all Branch Officers receive Equality Training.