Statistics and non-statistics re Black workers

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2018 National Black Members' Conference
12 September 2017

This conference is concerned that there is anecdotal evidence that:

1)Black workers do not receive equal secondment/training opportunities.

2)Black workers leave school not proportionally achieving the same as their counterparts.

3)Black workers do not climb the career ladder at the same speed as their white co-workers.

4)Black workers are not proportionality represented in the boardroom.

5)Black workers, proportionally, do not receive such support as referrals to Access to Work/’Reasonable Adjustments’ in a timely and supportive way, which impacts on their well-being and health in the workplace.

This conference therefore calls on the National Black Members’ Committee to utilise the data from the UNISON audit report 2016 and form an action plan to:

a)Campaign and re-affirm its commitment to promote the use of Challenging Racism in the Workplace tool kit for equality representation;

b)Discuss how equality training and development can be enhanced in regions and branches with UNISON Learning and Organising Services to ensure appropriate support is being offered to Black members;

c)Seek to review the Access to Work initiative and how this is applied across Service groups as part of their equality work strategy and bargaining agenda.