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2017 Community Service Group Conference
9 November 2016

Conference is concerned about the long-term impact on our Community member’s terms and conditions following the referendum result in which a majority of voters said they wanted the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.

With Brexit comes the real risk of a negative impact on funding for the sector which, if reduced, would have a knock on affect on members pay and conditions.

It is likely that Brexit will result in reduced income for the sector because of a fall in the value of sterling and rising inflation will hit disposable income for charitable giving. It is also possible that some corporations and individuals who are major donors will move away from the UK, reducing sponsorship, income and large gifts.

The impact of Brexit on public finances may also be significant for the sector. As a result of lower growth and tax revenues, the Government may reduce spending on public services, and by extension spending on services provided for the public sector by charities.

Conference also notes that the possible social consequences of Brexit, in terms of reduced social security spending and increased social tension, will inevitably place increased cost pressures on Community organisations.

Consequently, Conference calls on the Community Service Group Executive to:

1. Directly input into UNISON’s Brexit work streams, in particular that of the EU Citizens Network.

2. Remain vigilant for attacks on pay and conditions of our members in the coming years, ensuring the union is there to protect our members whenever these attacks occur.

3. Work with UNISON Labour Link and other stakeholders to ensure adequate funding for the sector. This includes lobbying political parties in positions of power and influence in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.