Pro women pro choice

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2016 National Women's Conference
15 October 2015

Conference welcomes UNISON’s policy on the ‘Right to Chose’. Pregnant women have the right to obtain treatment and advice in confidence free from harassment and intimidation.

Conference is concerned about the increase in groups such as “Abort 67” in recent years that target abortion clinics with the intention to harass and intimidate women, who are exercising their legal right to terminate a pregnancy.

This harassment is also aimed at clinic staff, forcing recent closures of clinics and staff having their personal safety threatened. The techniques include filming women, without consent, using false graphics and disturbing images aimed at stopping women accessing treatment and advice.

Women should be able to enter clinics without being harassed or intimidated. Conference believes in the aims of the ‘Back Off’ campaign to have specific legislation to ensure women can access pregnancy advice and abortion centres free from interference and intimidation, as has been enacted in other countries. This campaign is also supported by the Royal College of Midwives and End Violence Against Women Coalition.

Conference calls on the National Women’s Committee to;

1)To give public support to the “Back Off*” campaign – which puts a ‘buffer zone’ on protesters outside clinics

2) To lobby MP’s on a statutory ‘buffer zone’ for all pickets outside clinics

3) Develop a strategy and campaign on these clinics

4) To support and show solidarity to staff working in this essential area