A stronger, growing Passenger Transport Forum

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2016 Water, Environment & Transport Service Group
1 March 2016

Over the last year UNISON has done a huge amount of work to save the Passenger Transport Forum (PTF) as a functioning negotiating body. In 2015, Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) management gave notice to exit the negotiating element of the PTF, citing a need for greater “flexibility.”

UNISON has a proud tradition of defending sectoral and national negotiating because this has been shown to be in the best long-term interests of our members. For that reason the union ran a concerted campaign and persuaded TfGM to “pause” their exit decision pending a refresh of the PTF’s terms of reference. Conference welcomes the fact that TfGM are fully engaged with this process.

As a result the PTF is now becoming re-invigorated and the member organisations are taking a more active role in its work.

In order to further strengthen the PTF, Conference calls on the WET Executive to work with sector representatives to approach other transport and combined authorities currently engaged in local bargaining, to see if they will join or re-join the PTF and increase the number of UNISON members who come under its remit.