Mental health at work

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2016 Energy Service Group Conference
1 March 2016

Conference, Disabled members are concerned over how mental health is addressed in the work place, what is in place to help those with mental ill health while they are at work? Many of our members may already have a mental health condition or may have mental health conditions triggered by stress, stress can be from a variety of ways, the demands of their jobs, pressure due to having child/elder care issues due to enforced shift changes.

Mental health is not an easy subject for people to talk about we need to be able to signpost what support there is available. Are there policies in place? Are they adhered to? We need to help protect our members going through reviews and meetings until they are dismissed on capability.

We call on the National Energy Committee and the National Disabled Committee to work together to:-

1)Provide guidance to branches on mental health in the workplace

2)Support our members in the workplace to ensure they are treated fairly