- Conference
- 2016 National Disabled Members' Conference
- Date
- 5 July 2016
- Decision
- Carried
Conference welcomes the successful campaigning by UNISON which has led to the Trade Union Act not being as draconian as was originally intended, however, its implementation will still have a massive impact on UNISON’s ability to organise in the work place, facilities time and our equalities work.
Being activists in our union without dedicated facility time impacts negatively on our disabled women, who are already under increased pressure in the workplace. The lack of facility time shows the lack of value placed of the work disabled women activists do and creates further barriers to them partaking in campaigning and awareness raising to improve disabled women’s wellbeing. This work provides value for the wider workplace reducing sickness absences.
Conference, we call upon the National Disabled Members committee to:
1. campaign for dedicated facility time and provide good practice guides for branches.
2. conduct a survey to establish if disabled women activists are getting facility time so we can have a greater understanding and provide support to branches
3. promote activism within Disabled and women members networks and profile women disabled activists in UNISON communications
National Disabled Women’s Caucus