Women Voting for UKIP

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2015 National Women's Conference
15 October 2014
Carried as Amended

UNISON women in Gateshead call upon the National Women’s Committee to target UNISON women members nationally who are going to vote, to use their vote wisely and to look at all policies of political parties who attack women’s equality across the spectrum.

A main threat to women’s equality is UKIP. This political party is a major backward step for women in the 21st century.

Included in their policies are the following attacks against women:

1) Flexible working

2) Maternity leave (they propose two weeks maternity leave and cuts to statutory maternity pay)

3) Childcare

4) Racial equality

5) Equal pay deregulation

6) Flat tax rate of everyone

All these areas are at risk of being eroded under their policies.

In addition their policies on Europe could also have major implications for women. Many jobs in the North East depend on our participation in the European Market; major industries could be drastically affected, major employers in our region such as Nissan are threatening to pull out of the region with major job losses if we withdraw from Europe, oil workers, off shore workers, UK migration and community cohesion are all at risk under UKIP policies.

Although these industries employ mostly men the real impact would also be felt by women and especially the children of the region where poverty and deprivation are high. The women in the local region would be suffering from even more cuts as the impact of unemployment has a knock on effect for whole families.

European Social Funding for the Region was worth £157m between 2007/13 and nationally the UK will receive £490.million from the European Union next year. Losses of this scale would also have severe implications on women’s lives.

Woman’s working rights, including all H&S Regulations, come from Europe. Equal Pay was legislation from Europe. We as woman need to realise that most working rights come from Europe.

UKIP want to de-regulate the laws from Europe this would mean for us as workers that collective bargaining would be affected. Any negotiations would be done on an individual basis therefore reducing bargaining powers for workers.

This National Women’s Conference calls on the National Women’s Committee to liaise with National Labour Link to produce in good time for the General Election to be held 2015 a myth buster/leaflet to remind women before they use their vote to consider the implications of political parties that attack woman’s equality in work, home and the communities that we all live in.