Bi not binary

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2015 National LGBT Conference
22 July 2015

Conference notes the myths and prejudice that surround bisexuality and bisexual people and how this impacts on people’s working lives.

Conference believes that this is partly based on the dominant perception that gender identity and sexual orientation are binaries – woman or man; same sex attraction or opposite sex attraction. This leads to the non-inclusive description of bisexual people as those who are attracted to people of both the opposite sex and the same sex.

Conference notes the importance of language in shaping attitudes and perceptions and creating a culture of respect and inclusion. Conference welcomes:

1)UNISON’s description of bisexual people as those who feel attraction to more than one gender;

2)the work to date looking at how to make our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) groups, our bargaining advice and organising and campaigning resources as inclusive as possible.

Conference calls on the national LGBT committee, working with the national LGBT networks and caucuses, to continue this work. Conference calls on regional and branch groups and individual members to engage with this process, highlight and share where possible areas of good practise and incorporate this into their own activities, communications and publications.

Conference further calls on the national LGBT committee to raise these issues with the national executive council, other national self-organised group committees and national young members forum, seeking views and promoting inclusion.