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2014 National Retired Members Conference
24 June 2014

Conference notes that the National Executive Council has submitted several rule changes to National Delegate Conference including one on adequate and agreed funding for retired member activity.

Conference also notes the existence of Regional Pools. These Regional Pools are intended to be an additional source of branch funding for specific items where the branch could not otherwise afford them.

Clarification has been obtained that branches can make application to the Regional Pool in respect of retired member activity such as the cost of sending a retired member representative to the National Retired Members Conference. To qualify for a grant branches will have to demonstrate that they cannot afford the proposed expenditure. This will mean disclosure of branch finances to the Region.

Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to request the National Executive Council to issue detailed guidance to branches, including appropriate paragraphs in the Code of Good Branch Practice and other appropriate materials e.g. the Retired Members’ Secretaries Handbook so that the cost of retired member activity, excluding social activities, can be met by the branch and that branches are further advised to make application to the Regional Pool if they have not got the financial resources to enable them to properly fund such retired member activity