- Conference
- 2014 National LGBT Conference
- Date
- 10 November 2014
- Decision
- Carried
Conference notes Wolvespride is an annual event organised by LGBT (Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender) Network Wolverhampton and of which UNISON is one of nine sponsors, all the others being statutory or commercial organisations.
Conference is concerned that, unknown to UNISON, the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) hired a stall at Wolvespride on 27th September 2014 and placed an advertisement in the Pride Guide.
Conference considers that it is inappropriate for UNISON to sponsor events which offer platforms to a political party with aims largely opposed to those of UNISON and the trades union movement.
Conference instructs the National LGBT Committee to formulate and circulate to Regional LGBT Groups in advance of 2015 Prides:
1)Guidance which seeks to ensure that UNISON regions and branches take a consistent approach in such circumstances; and,
2)Briefing to enable UNISON branches and regions to convince local Pride organisers that UKIP’s presence is inappropriate.
Conference further instructs the committee to seek a common position with other trades unions on this question.