No Smears, Justice for the Lawrence Family Campaig

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2014 National Black Members' Conference
1 January 2014

No Smears, Justice for the Lawrence Family Campaign

This Conference is proud of the work and support UNISON has provided to the family of Stephen Lawrence since his murder 20 years ago. This racist murder in April 1983 marked the beginning of a long battle for the Lawrence family with the British police force, the government, the criminal justice system and deep rooted prejudice within the British society.

We all know the moving story of a bright young Black man callously murdered on the streets of Eltham. We also recognise that his tragic death was compounded by the failures of the police force to secure the conviction of his murderers at the time.

Stephen’s death marked a turning point in race relations as it meant that for the first time racism was openly discussed and the term “institutional racism” became known in the British society.

However, conference believes that the Lawrence family have been betrayed by the British criminal justice system as it took 18 years for the first convictions of some of the people that were accused of Stephen’s murder. Although the Lawrence family received partial justice in January 2012 when two of Stephen’s killers were convicted of his murder, they have continued in their fight for total justice until all of Stephen’s attackers are brought to justice.

Therefore we are outraged that in the 20th anniversary year of his death a former undercover officer have revealed and the police have admitted to using undercover officers to infiltrate the Stephen Lawrence Campaign to participate in an operation to spy and discredit them; their friends; Duwayne Brooks; and campaigners seeking justice for Stephen. Among his revelations are that his superiors wanted him to find dirt that could be used against the Lawrence family and pressured him to hunt for disinformation for use in undermining those seeking a better investigation into the murder.

We note that this only came to light because one of the officers became a whistleblower on this and other disgusting tactics including using the identities of dead infants to fabricate cover identities.

Conference is appalled at the attempt to discredit and stop the campaign to find Stephen’s killers. This alleged smear campaign amounts to betrayal of trust by those who are meant to search for and bring Stephen’s killers to justice.

There can be no surprise that Doreen Lawrence has stated that she has no confidence in any of the police enquiries, her quiet strength and determination for justice has been an inspiration to us all.

And we commend Neville Lawrence, who spoke so movingly at last years conference, who has called for ‘a judge-led inquiry into the allegations of Peter Francis that the Met SDS was tasked with finding ways to smear the reputation of the Lawrence family, rather than carry out a thorough investigation into the brutal, racist murder of their son Stephen’

Both of Stephens’s parents, whilst dealing with the devastating murder and loss of their innocent son and then the betrayal of a police force meant to protect the innocent; have always shown huge courage and determination in finally obtaining some justice for Stephen. Now they once again have to fight; for justice for themselves and their family.

UNISON was the first union to provide support for the Lawrence family after the racist murder of their son. The union has continued to lead the way in their unwavering support for the Stephen Lawrence campaign.

We therefore call on the NBMC to work with the NEC to:

1) Provide all support and resources possible to the Lawrence family in their quest for justice;

2) Ensure that direct representations are made to the Home Secretary to support the call for a judge-led Inquiry into the smear allegations;

3) Continue to work with the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust to promote development opportunities for young Black people;

4) Publicise the ‘Justice for the Lawrence Family’ Campaign to all branches, activists and members and ;

5) Provide submissions to any enquiry regarding the treatment of the Lawrence family;

6) Continue to campaign to protect the Single Equality Duty part of the Stephen Lawrence legacy that protects workers and service users against discrimination.

Submitted by: Greater London Region

National Black Members’ Committee