Lack of Publicity for Retired Members

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2013 National Retired Members Conference
19 June 2013
Carried as Amended

Since Interactive ceased production very little information of direct relevance to retired members has been made available by UNISON to individual members. U-magazine has mentioned retired members only in passing on the letters page. It was suggested that an on-line version of Interactive might be produced but so far this has not happened and the UNISON website continues to contain nothing recent relating to retired members except for conference information. Unfortunately, due to failing health or distance, many retired members are unable to have meaningful contact with retired members’ sections and therefore receive no information on UNISON or National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) action on behalf of pensioners.

Therefore, this Conference instructs the National Retired Members Committee (NRMC) to ensure that retired members are kept fully informed and able to participate in relevant campaigns by posting on the Retired Members section of the UNISON website:

1)a post-conference report containing information on campaigns to be supported during the coming year;

2)a report following each meeting of the NRMC outlining ongoing action on campaigns it is supporting, including e-petition addresses, letter-writing campaigns and demonstrations;

3)timely information on NPC activities.