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2012 National Women's Conference
20 October 2011
Carried as Amended

Each year European and UK parliament bring legislative changes forward for consultation and debate.

Many of these consultations and legislative changes are not well publicised and it is often by default that women become aware of these forthcoming changes.

This conference believes that the more information about proposed legislative changes that can be given to our women members, the more we can influence consultation exercises, the more we can influence policy changes and any implementation within our workplaces.

Each year the National Women’s Committee produces a comprehensive report on its activities; progress made on campaigns and initiatives. Yet this report could also highlight to our women members’ forthcoming changes – looking ahead to future years.

Conference believes that this additional chapter would be a valuable addition to the annual report, giving an enduring use to the annual report and may enable women in their branches to plan ahead, anticipate local campaign issues and predict impending challenges.

Conference instructs the National Women’s Committee in future annual reports to include a chapter that lays out forthcoming legislative changes that have an impact on women’s lives and work and to endeavour to advise regional women’s committees and networks of any further consultations which arise following the production of the annual report.