Dignity in Care

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2012 National Retired Members Conference
11 June 2012


Conference welcomes the report of the Commission on Dignity in Care established by the Local Government Association, the National Health Service and AgeUK.

However, Conference believes that the report’s recommendations are largely common sense, and would be carried out almost as a matter of course if hospitals and care homes had the resources and the statutory obligations to employ sufficient, appropriately trained and paid staff, and if there were regulatory agencies which were adequately resourced to do their job, backed by enforcement powers which made them meaningful.

Conference therefore calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee to work with the NEC, the two wings of the Political Fund, the four UK TUCs and the UNISON groups of [or UNISON-sympathising] MPs, MSPs, AMs and NI Assembly Members to campaign for real and meaningful measures, as above, to ensure the dignified and respectful treatment our older people deserve.

Submitted by: Suffolk County