Police Staff Burn Out

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2012 Police & Justice Conference
14 June 2012

Conference recognises the impact the ongoing job losses are having on those police staff who remain in post.

With increasing expectations from Government and the public, police staff are under continuous pressure to deliver the same level of performance with significantly less staff and burn out is now a serious threat.

Conference therefore calls upon the Service Group Executive to:

i)Initiate a survey of branches to establish the seriousness and the extent of the problem, looking specifically at sickness levels and the pressure staff are under from employers

ii)Raise awareness of the outcome of the survey at branch level and issue guidelines on how employers can be tackled through negotiations and health and safety legislation if necessary

iii)Raise UNISON’s concerns with the PSC and explore the possibility of publishing joint guidelines to branches and employers to ensure expectations are manageable and staff are no longer required to cover the duties of redundant colleagues.