Outsourcing, Low Pay and the Living Wage

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2012 Police & Justice Conference
14 June 2012
Carried as Amended

This conference notes the devastating effects that the proposed outsourcing and privatisation processes being undertaken by West Midlands and Surrey Police forces will have on the Police Service and the communities that they serve.

This conference believes that outsourcing will never be of benefit to our members, and that direct employment within the public sector with nationally agreed terms and conditions remains the best option for our members.

This conference notes, however, that many forces already have parts of their workforce outsourced and privatised, from cleaning services and catering services, to call centres and custody. Where this is the case, staff may well no longer be on protected terms and conditions, may no longer be covered by our national agreements and may be on much lower pay than other staff.

This conference believes that all staff who work on behalf of the Police, Probation Service or Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) deserve a living wage and decent terms and conditions.

This conference therefore calls on the National Police and Justice Service Group Executive to

1)Continue its campaign against privatisation and outsourcing.

2)Campaign for all staff employed on behalf of the Police, Probation Service or CAFCASS to be paid at least the living wage, and publish guidance documents for all branches to assist them with local campaigns on this issue.

3)Utilise all available channels to ensure that the message of this motion is communicated as far as possible.