Promoting the organising agenda

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2012 Health Care Service Group Conference
15 December 2011

Conference recognises that the day of action for Pensions Justice on 30th of November was a major success in mobilising UNISON NHS members.

Conference notes that the build up to this day of action saw a sharp increase in recruitment as well as the drawing in to activity of many previously inactive members.

Conference notes that this is consistent with previous international and UK examples which show the superiority of an organising approach to a servicing approach.

Conference believes that a union which is seen to be campaigning for its members and encouraging their involvement in those campaigns will build membership and the capacity to deliver for that membership.

This conference agrees that organising methods that maximise face to face contact in NHS workplaces with members and non members is key to an organising approach.

Conference calls on the Health Service group Executive to –

1)Encourage and promote a shift of resources from ‘servicing’ activity to ‘organising’ work;

2)Work with health branches, regions and other relevant departments to put in place training and briefing materials on effective organising methods to ensure that branches can access as many organising tools as possible;

3)Encourage health branches to develop organising plans as part of campaign activity and for regions to organise training events to develop and promote an organising culture within health;

4)Encourage the spread of best practice in successful organisation between branches.