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2011 National Women's Conference
10 February 2011

Conference is deeply concerned at the cuts to women’s services throughout the country and particularly at recent proposed cuts in Devon. In January one of the major stakeholders, Devon County Council announced that it proposed to withdraw £1.2 million in funding for the Against Domestic Violence Abuse Project (ADVA). The severity and rapidity of these cuts under this government’s administration serves to highlight the vulnerability of women’s services.

Ironically only last year Devon was awarded the prestigious Green Flag for its work on domestic violence and abuse, highlighting the exceptional, innovative practice and commitment of ADVA.

Opposition campaigning led by the Fawcett Society, Devon on the 20th January led the Conservative controlled Devon County Council to delay making a final decision on the cuts until February. But the threat of cuts is still there and the speed these cuts are being implemented makes this an emergency motion. This is not an isolated case within the region; at least one other authority has cut domestic abuse services in response to government’s funding cuts.

This Conference therefore calls upon the National Women’s Committee to:

1)Raise awareness with Regional Women’s Committees of the impact of cuts and provide campaigning advice.

2)Urge the coalition government to honour its commitment to reduce domestic violence by ensuring that funds continue to be available to support successful schemes.

3)Work with Labour Link to encourage labour led authorities to oppose cuts to services in this vital area.