Women in the NHS

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2011 Health Care Service Group Conference
2 December 2010

Conference is concerned that, following the government’s decision that all NHS trusts will be expected to become foundation trusts, there is a real danger that we will see a major shift away from our hard fought and negotiated terms and condition of employment under Agenda for Change.

We have already seen some foundation trusts take away enhanced hours on annual leave and sick pay and we know that some are looking at incremental freezing and capping pay bands.

UNISON has over a third of a million women members working in the health sector. Many of these women work nights and weekends because they have caring and family responsibilities, often in the lowest paid jobs such as cleaners, domestics, healthcare assistants etc. In this period of recession, many will be the sole earner in their families.

Conference calls upon the Health Service Group Executive to:

1)Campaign and raise awareness of the impact these changes will have on the lives of the lowest paid women workers in the NHS;

2)Work with all relevant bodies, including the NEC and Labour Link, to prevent any changes to terms and conditions by foundation trusts.