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2011 National Black Members' Conference
3 September 2010

Conference, 0n 16th December 2009, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in conjunction with the Government Office (GEO) produced a report that confirm a marked increase in the unemployment rate of Black people during the 2008 recession. Members of the Caribbean and African community have seen unemployment levels rise by 6.9% from 13.2% in the first quarter of 2008, to 20.1% in the third quarter of 2009. This compares with 2.8% rise in the White unemployment, up from 4.8% to 7.6% over the same period.

Over the last six months the trend has become more apparent with Asian and Caribbean and African unemployment rising by 2.2% and 4.4% respectively, whilst White unemployment has risen by 0.8%. Trevor Phillips Chair of the Commission has stated that “The data for the last six months suggests a significant deterioration in employment for those from ethnic minority groups which risks undoing much of the progress made over the last few years…”

Following restructuring of Public Services and threat of closure, more and more Black employees are facing redundancies and the removal of allowances from their salaries.

Black employees/members will be facing a massive salary drop as they lose shift and weekend allowances. This is so their council employer can make more people provide council services in the evenings and at weekends without extra cost or extra pay.

The Con-Dem Government attack on benefits will result in members who have lost allowances, will also be losing Housing benefits and Family Tax Credits.

Cuts in Connexions and Youth Services will seriously affect young Black people not in education and employment. Our young people will suffered cutbacks in apprenticeships and other training opportunities.

Therefore Conference instructs the National Black Members Committee (NBMC) to liaise with the National Executive Council and TUC to:

1. Raise awareness of the problems faced by the Black Community following

public cuts.

2. To include recognition of the impact on Black unemployment as part of the

‘Million Voices’ Campaign.

3. To work with the EHRC to develop strategies that could help to reduce the

impact of these spending cuts on the Black community.