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2010 National Women's Conference
22 October 2009
Carried as Amended

Conference welcomes the support of the National Women’s Committee in addressing the issue of domestic abuse but there is further work to be done.

This Conference calls on the National Women’s Committee to work with Regional Women’s Committees, the NEC and Service Groups to re-focus on the failure of many employers to develop workplace policies on domestic abuse and to identify and target those employers without a police. An audit could be done as part of the next Joint Branch & Regional Assessments. Conference also calls on the National Women’s Committee to work with Regional Women’s Committee’s to secure region wide Domestic Violence Policies in the Health Service. This has already been secured in Northern Ireland.

Conference also calls on the National Women’s Committee to investigate the Belfast Trust Branch model which has secured training for 30 members to support victims of abuse by “signposting” them to relevant support organisations such as Women’s Aid. In addition to training, these domestic violence support workers received paid release to do this work.