UK Wide Transport Card

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2010 Retired Members' Conference
17 June 2010

This Conference recognises the tremendous value concessionary bus passes have been to older people. Not only has the facility enabled them to continue to make journeys to doctors, dentists, shops etc without the worry of how to afford it, it has also provided health and social benefits for people to interact outside their own family group. Health benefits have also been demonstrated by the ability to travel with friends and acquaintances whenever they choose to do so. This clearly contributes to savings elsewhere in the public budget and contributes to the well-being of society.

The recent rumours of threats to the continuation of the facility has filled older people with alarm.

This Conference agrees that the facility must be extended rather than withdrawn. Conference calls upon the National Retired Members’ Committee to campaign not only to maintain the concessionary bus pass, but also to extend it to cover bus, train, tram and ferry journeys throughout the UK.