Value for Money

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2010 Police and Justice Service Group Conference
23 June 2010

Conference condemns the recent criticisms of police staff not providing “value for money” by the Police Federation.

Conference calls for all Police Authorities to look at further civilianisation of posts which do not require warranted Officers to carry out the role. Civilianisation of these posts will realise savings for individual Police Authorities while releasing those warranted officers back to front line core policing duties. This would not mean a reduction in the number of police officers, but rather more police officers returning to the beat. Police Authorities can make substantial savings in funding for this type of post as police staff are paid significantly lower salaries than warranted officers. This would not affect warranted officer establishment numbers which should remain at current levels. Further savings would accrue during subsequent Police Staff pay negotiations.

Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to approach all Police Authorities and enter into meaningful discussions to identify those posts in their forces where these savings can be made.