- Conference
- 2009 National Women's Conference
- Date
- 21 October 2008
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
Conference congratulates the Million Women Rise Coalition (MWRC) on the success of the 2008 march and rally which saw over 5,000 women and girls gathered in London to protest male violence against women and endemic gender discrimination.
The rally was addressed by a range of inspiring speakers from across the country, representing a broad spectrum of campaigning groups including trade unions and women’s sector organisations.
Conference is disappointed to note the lack of attention given to this important event by the mainstream media and regards this as a reflection of wider societal indifference to violence against women. Conference hopes that the bigger turnout that is anticipated for future events will generate more publicity both before and during the event and will help put violence against women at the top of the political agenda where it belongs.
Conference instructs the national women’s committee to:
1)Send a message of support to the MWRC
2)Circulate information and publicise future events both within UNISON, and by working with UNISON’s press/media office achieve increased coverage of UNISON’s support for and participation in the event.
3)Support the MWRC in their work; by making a donation; by sponsoring the event and by encouraging UNISON women members to attend and participate.