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2009 National Women's Conference
21 October 2008

Equality is at the very heart of UNISON, and one of the union’s stated aims is to promote equality and challenge discrimination, so Conference applauds the arrival of the UNISON equality scheme.

The UNISON equality scheme has meant that every region, department and service group of UNISON now has a two year equality action plan with specific and measurable targets to enable us to move closer to equality in both how we operate and how we provide services.

If this equality action plan is carried out, and if all parts of UNISON work together on this, the UNISON Equality Scheme will not only benefit all UNISON members but has the potential to encourage existing women members to become more active and involved in Women’s Organisation; it can also be used as a recruiting tool to encourage more women to join UNISON.

Conference is concerned however, that no funding appears to have been allocated to support the essential work itemised in the equality action plans.

Conference therefore instructs the National Women’s Committee to liaise with the other National Self Organising Committees, and Young members Forum, and to campaign to ensure that adequate funding and resources are made available, so that this work can progress, and so it will not become just fine words on paper, but an actual reality.

In addition, Conference instructs the National Women’s Committee to report back to National Women’s Conference in 2010 and 2011 on the progress being made via its annual report.