Pay, Terms and Conditions

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2009 Health Care Service Group Conference
10 December 2008

Conference notes that across the UK, Health workers are experiencing the effects of changes to the funding and organisation of the NHS and the structures for delivering healthcare. There are increasing differences in the way in which the four UK administrations choose to organise health care and in England there is increasing use of the private and third sector. Now more than ever, our members need the security of a common set of arrangements for pay, terms and conditions and the strength that comes from a single agreement. Conference further notes the financial hardship that health workers have suffered due to recent pay rounds failing to keep pace with inflation.

Conference notes the increase in inflation was higher than predicted when the three year deal was agreed. The big increases in fuel, food and transport costs have particularly hit the low paid the hardest. Conference believes that NHS workers should not be asked to pay for an economic crisis which is not of their making.

In addition to campaigning and presenting evidence to ensure that pay keeps pace at least with inflation, there is much to do to ensure that the Agenda for Change agreement remains fit for purpose. Conference believes that future pay rounds, including pay in the final year of the three year pay deal 2010-2011, should reflect not only the underlying inflation rate, but also recompense health workers for the shortfalls of previous years.

Conference calls upon the Service Group Executive to undertake the following elements of work and to provide regular reports on progress via recognised UNISON structures:

1.Maintaining the Agenda for Change agreement:

a)Continue to ensure that the UK-wide Agenda for Change agreement is applied and updated and work closely with UNISON representatives on devolved bargaining/negotiating bodies on application of relevant elements of the agreement

b)Provide regular reports on Staff Council activity to the HSGE and Sectors and give advice, information and interpretation on NHS Terms and Conditions issues as required via relevant UNISON structures

c)Ensure that the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service handbook is up to date and that Q&As and new policy positions/interpretations are incorporated within the handbook

d)Take forward the recommendations made to the Staff Council following the Equalities Impact Assessment of AfC implementation

2Improving the agreement

a)Prepare evidence for the NHS Pay Review Body that would enable, if necessary, the union to press for the re-opening of the 2010 pay rates

b)Such evidence to contain the case for a flat rate increase for those on Point 14 or below

c)Take forward discussions on the reduction in the working week as detailed in the 2008-10 multi-year deal

d)Negotiate the merger of Bands 1 & 2

e)Work in partnership at local, regional and national level to pursue the healthy work life balance agenda and encourage the development of working arrangements that balance the needs of patients and services with the needs of staff

f)Work with the Private Contractors Unit to extend the benefits of the AfC agreement to all private contractor members

g)Negotiate a guarantee of permanent protection of AfC terms and conditions and pensions for any staff transferred from the NHS to non-NHS providers.

h)Mount a national campaign to extend the benefits of Agenda for Change to staff employed in General Practices.

i)Negotiate improvements in the subsistence rates within the national agreement via the NHS Staff Council.

j)Conclude the review of on-call payments and consult with UNISON members on any proposed changes, recognising and reaffirming the existing conference policy that no health worker should suffer detriment in comparison with the interim arrangements

k)Review the use of local Recruitment & Retention Payments and develop national guidance.