- Conference
- 2009 National Disabled Members' Conference
- Date
- 8 July 2009
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
The Committee’s constitution was written many years ago when UNISON was a new concept and structures were not set in place as they are today. Back in 1993 disabled self organisation like other self organised groups were finding their feet and constructed a constitution that does not reflect the current structures in 2009.
Over the years the constitution has become more and more outdated as some of its content is beyond the control of the committee and some of it is also in conflict the NEC guidance. Although any proposed amendments have to be submitted in the form of a motion and voted on by this conference, this has little meaning as any changes that have a democratic or financial implication have to be agreed by the National Executive Council (NEC). The Committee are aware of the frustration felt by some groups when they have submitted changes, but the National Disabled Members Committee (NDMC) has no power to implement such changes without the approval of the NEC.
The NDMC are proposing that a consultation exercise is conducted with the regional and branch disabled members groups to agree wording for a constitution that is up to date and fit for purpose. The Committee will be looking primarily at its working arrangements and has no intention of making changes to the electrion procedures that take place at conference.
The NDMC therefore calls on conference to:
Agree that a consultation exercise takes place with all regional and branch disabled members groups to agree wording for a modern and fit for purpose constitution.
Further agrees that the findings will be presented to this conference next year.