- Conference
- 2009 National Disabled Members' Conference
- Date
- 10 July 2009
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
UNISON national disabled member’s conference recognised the abuse of disabled person parking needs to be highlighted and to be tackled. It is often the case that disabled drivers are unable to find parking facilities either at their home at a retail outlet or at their workplace. In many instances the reason for this is non disabled drivers are abusing these spaces. Many disabled drivers feel their rights are not respected and the impact of being unable to use a bay is not understood put simply but powerfully, if you want my Bay you can have my disability. We need to act now to send out a message that abusing disabled parking is unacceptable.
Conference recognised that UNISON has a 1.3 million members and calls upon the National Disabled Members Committee to:-
1.Campaign against the local government parking tax where there are more than 10 parking spaces.
2. highlight this abuse in UNISON publications such as members and activists newsletters
3.Discuss with the GPF and Labour Link the possibility of proper enforceable legislation which supports the rights of disabled drivers
4.Recognises the need to simplify and streamline how parking bays for blue badge designated and enforced.
4.Recognise that the use of private cars is the only means of transport for some disabled members as most Public Transport is not accessible to
Disabled Members.
5. Encourage employers/retailers to provide sufficient parking spaces for blue
badge holders.
This work to be undertaken and reported produced by the Disabled Members Committee to next year’s conference.