British Sign Language access to Unison Website

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2009 National Disabled Members' Conference
22 June 2009
Carried as Amended

Conference welcomes a more accessible and inclusive UNISON Website. Conference requests that the National Disabled Members Committee work with the ‘Webmaster’ to look at different access mediums and that British Sign Language as well as text to speech interpretation is included in the access options available to our members.

BSL as well as text to speech is used by many members and having BSL interpretation as well as text to speech on the site will make it more inclusive to our members.

Members who use BSL and text to speech have no interpretation service and are excluded from being able to enjoy information and independence as a union member on our Website.

We also call on the National Committee to conduct a survey into the use of BSL, text to speech as well as other communication languages to improve the accessibility of the website in the future.