- Conference
- 2008 National LGBT Conference
- Date
- 25 July 2008
- Decision
- Remitted
Conference recognises that an ever-increasing amount of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) agenda is at a European and World level. Significant legislative and policy gains in relation to LGBT equality have been achieved through European structures. Time and again, UNISON members have shown their solidarity with brothers and sisters across the world who are subjected to inequality and persecution. In light of this, conference welcomes the increased participation of UNISON in the structures of ILGA. Increased delegations and affiliations support the work of this important and influential Non-Governmental Organisation.
Conference is concerned, however, that in our enthusiasm to support ILGA we may undermine the democratic structures of our own organisation. As more regions and branches affiliate to ILGA, more potential delegates come to the fore. This clearly needs to be co-ordinated in order to maintain ILGA’s diverse balance of affiliate organisations and delegates and to ensure that UNISON’s input is co-ordinated and representative.
Conference believes that we should always strive to be as democratic as is possible in our activities and actions, maintaining and strengthening the highly praised lay-member-led ethos that UNISON boasts. Conference believes that this principal should apply in selecting delegates to ILGA conferences and nominations to ILGA Boards.
Conference, therefore, instructs the National LGBT Committee to bring forward proposals to the 2009 National LGBT Conference that will seek to put in place true democracy in relation to ILGA delegates and nominations, specifically including: –
1.The means by which National LGBT Conference can vote on delegates to ILGA Conferences;
2.The means by which National LGBT Conference can vote on nominations to ILGA Boards;
3.The means by which National LGBT Conference can influence UNISON’s input to ILGA structures, for example through motions or workshops.