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2008 National LGBT Conference
16 November 2008

Conference believes that equality is fundamental and that members represented by our self-organised groups and young members organisation may face particular barriers in the workplace and in getting involved and active in our union. Indeed many members face multiple barriers.

Conference notes that the introduction of the public sector equality duties has seen some improvements in the workplace but that there is still a lot more to be done.

Conference believes equality is everyone’s responsibility and therefore welcomes the work that UNISON has carried out to promote equality within the union and with employers over recent years including briefings and training on the public sector equality duties.

Conferences welcomes the introduction of the UNISON Equality Scheme and the pilot project for union equality representatives which complements the existing equality provisions within our structures to ensure that all our members take responsibility for ensuring equality is taken seriously.

Conference therefore instructs the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Committee to work with the other self organised national committees, young and retired members’ organisation and the National Executive Council to:

1.Publicise and stress the importance of the Code of Good Branch Practice, Guidelines on Self Organisation and Representation Guide;

2.Encourage and support members of self-organised groups and young members to become active within their branch structures, in particular to get involved with the union equality representatives pilot project and other equality initiatives;

3.Reiterate the responsibility of all activists to make sure equality is taken seriously and mainstreamed in all union activities;

Remind branches, via branch secretaries, of their particular responsibility to support self-organisation and mainstream equality.