Gas Safety

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2008 Energy Service Group Conference
2 February 2008

This conference believes that public safety is being jeopardised by the gas companies’ practice of categorising gas leaks.

Gas Safety Regulations state all leaks should be repaired within 12 hours. This conference is concerned that A3 gas companies have a system of categorising leaks into category “A” or category “B” leaks. A category “A” means the leak is near to or in a domestic dwelling or other building and should be repaired within 7 days. A category “B” leak covers all other types/location of leaks and repair can be deferred to 28 days. These guidelines are In direct contravention of Health and Safety legislation, and Gas Safety Regulations.

This conference believes that:

1The current trend of all companies and contractors to implement programmes of enforced redundancies is an obvious barrier to the compliance with the statutory safety regulations.

2The gas industry practice of ignoring the regulations and using their own guidelines allows them to operate with a reduced workforce.

3If all companies were forced to work to the Gas Safety Regulations they would not be able to meet the requirements with their current staffing levels.

4Using whatever risk management criteria that is selected, it is clearly possible that a major explosion could take place.

This Conference calls upon the Service Group Executive to use appropriate resources at its disposal to seek urgent contact with the Health and Safety Executive and the gas industry to enforce the implementation of statutory regulations with immediate effect.