Women’s Promotional Materials

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2007 National Women's Conference
26 October 2006
Carried as Amended

Many years have elapsed since we had ‘women in UNISON’ t-shirts, badges and literature available for promotional events, recruitment campaigns and collective identity. Although some individual branches and regions have sourced their own items for particular events, we miss having a national supply of ‘women in UNISON’ goods that we can all access, use and feel we are part of something identifiable.

Conference instructs the National Women’s Committee to gather information about designs, suppliers and costs of possible promotional items and order an appropriate stock of items that can be purchased by regions and branches for their own use. Conference asks that the National Women’s Committee takes into account both environmental and ethical considerations when selecting which items to order for the range as well as the type of items women members would like.

Conference further instructs the National Women’s Committee to ensure that the designs are inclusive and reflect the true nature of women in UNISON.